
Rabbids Invasion: Mission to Mars

It is a shame that Rabbids are such an obvious rip-off of Minions because otherwise I might find the little morons quite amusing. Hmmm … research tells me the Rabbids might have come first; the video game preceded the Minions, but the videos definitely did not. Perhaps we chalk this one up to co-evolution? I suppose it doesn’t matter; the point is that Rabbids behave exactly like dumb Minions. Like Minions who have no goal. Those are Rabbids.

And just like the Minions, the Rabbids have their own gibberish language, and like Minions who have nothing to do, Rabbids will behave at all times like life is one big X-Games. Give them any adrenalin-pumping, thrill-seeking activity, and they will leap on it like Matt Gaetz on an underage prostitute.

As far as I can tell, most of the Rabbids –goofy hyperactive rabbit-like creatures- live on a tropical island where they take turns slingshotting one another into the nearest palm tree. They care nothing for personal safety or security or boundary. As most of them don’t care and treat life as a constant bobsled run, this doesn’t matter. But apparently there’s a genius among them. A bearded Rabbid with no taste for his frivolous brethren has not mastered a spoken language, but has indeed mastered a telescope capable of seeing individual moving Martians. Well don’t that beat all.

Meanwhile, in another film, some billionaire has a plan about colonizing Mars with Rabbids. While the plan doesn’t start out as evil, it sure gets there after Scribbles (the bearded Rabbid) decides he wants in on the trip. Scribbles has some weird fantasy about befriending Martians –it seems- because he’s no good at befriending Earthans.  Isn’t that a punch in the crotch?

If you’re in a silly mood or have a silly family, Rabbids Invasion: Mission to Mars is good enough o keep you in giggles for a while. I’m probably always going to be partial to The Minions (after all, they scheme!), but these hyper crackheaded French loonies will do in a pinch. It’s not great art or story … but it’s also not long. You can tolerate 70 minutes of inanity, right?

Moronic leporidae cavort willy nilly
Not sure what these creatures want, really
They spend all their days
In an adrenaline haze
Somewhere between “rabbit” and “rabid” lies silly

Rated TV-Y7, 70 Minutes
Director: Sure, why not?
Writer: Hey, somebody must have written this, right?
Genre: Silly
Type of being most likely to enjoy this film: Gigglers
Type of being least likely to enjoy this film: Stoics

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